Why do i tear when I see people enter Islam?

Why do i cry when I see people enter Islam?
What makes tears roll out when I see brothers and sisters with that charm?

Often I see they cry too, but I cannot understand their feeling
Perhaps, my heart knows and tears do all the dealings.

I wish I can hug them, I wish I can be with them all the time.
I wish the strings of ours tie to their hearts in no time.

They sacrificed their desires and responded to a sane thinking
But would I do it if I were them? thence I cry

They turned their lives for the best destination
I knew the destination but seldom I tried

They found the answers; they acted, and are no more strangers
I had the answer, I condoned and I am a stranger

Yet, every time when I see their testimony with wet eyes
My love for them pour out of my heart through my eyes